dosing valves
Product Enquiry


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Do you have these issues with your dosing circuit?

Then the eDART three-way dosing dart valves will benefit you. Typically, rock lime (alkaline) in a ring main is continuously pumped around the circuit because it tends to settle and separate. Normally a T piece is inserted into the line (called a take-off line) and the flow is controlled with a standard valve such as a knife or butterfly. When the valve is closed the line is filled up with the stagnant lime and blocks. The dosing valve eliminates this by being located directly in the ring main. As the valve opens the vertical take-off line fills up. When closed, the line drains under gravity and does not leaving a pocket of pipe that can solidify.

  • Self-flushing
  • Compact design
  • Removable bonnet for easy maintenance; valve body remains in the process line
  • Anti-Rotation device
  • Stroke indication
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